How to Reply All in Gmail: Complete Guide and Settings

Mastering the “Reply All” function in Gmail is crucial for anyone who uses email, whether for personal or professional communication. This guide covers the essentials of what “Reply All” means, how to use it in Gmail, and when it’s vital to keep everyone included in a conversation. Plus, discover how to set “Reply All” as your default response if you frequently communicate with multiple people at once.

Understanding “Reply All”

“Reply All” sends your email response to the original sender and everyone CC’ed (carbon copied) on the thread. Importantly, it does not include BCC (blind carbon copied) recipients. This feature is particularly useful for updating colleagues on projects or sharing content with a group, ensuring everyone stays informed.

How to Use “Reply All” on Gmail Desktop

  1. Find the Option: After opening an email with multiple recipients, look at the bottom for three options: Reply, Reply All, and Forward. Click “Reply All” to respond to everyone. Alternatively, select the three stacked dots in the upper right-hand corner of your email window to find the same options.
  2. Compose and Send: Write your message and click “Send.” Your email will reach all CC’ed recipients. Gmail saves drafts automatically, so if you need to return to your draft later, it will retain your message and attachments.

How to Reply All on Gmail Mobile App

  1. Access the Reply Options: On mobile, the default setting is to reply only to the sender. To change this, tap “Reply All” at the bottom of your screen after opening an email.
  2. Use More Options: For another method, tap the three dots next to the sender’s email address to open a menu with “Reply All” as an option.

Setting “Reply All” as the Default in Gmail

To avoid the mistake of replying to just one person when you meant to reply to all, Gmail allows you to set “Reply All” as your default response:

  1. Access Settings: Click the gear icon in the upper right corner, then “See all settings.”
  2. Change Default Reply Behavior: Find “Default reply behavior” and select “Reply All.”
  3. Save Changes: Scroll down and click “Save Changes.” This will reorder the reply options, making “Reply All” the first choice.

When to Use BCC Instead of Reply All

Using BCC is suitable when you need to continue a conversation with someone introduced in a thread without keeping the original introducer in the loop. After using “Reply All,” you can BCC the introducer to keep your subsequent replies private from them.

Combining Reply All with BCC

To use both Reply All and BCC:

  1. Start with Reply All: Begin drafting your email by clicking “Reply All.”
  2. Add BCC Recipients: Expand the CC’ed emails and click the BCC icon to add email addresses to the BCC field.


Using “Reply All” in Gmail is straightforward: simply select the “Reply All” option when responding to an email with multiple recipients. Remember to set “Reply All” as your default on desktop if it’s a common requirement for your communications. Always double-check your settings, especially on mobile, to ensure you’re communicating effectively.

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