How to Easily Reverse a Video on Your iPhone?

Want to know how to reverse a video on iPhone for that captivating rewind effect in your videos? This guide walks you through the simple steps to achieve just that, using popular third-party apps like InShot and Reverse Vid.

Steps to Reverse Your Video

  • Download a video editing app such as InShot or Reverse Vid from the App Store.
  • Select the video you wish to edit by tapping ‘Video’ under the ‘create new’ section.
  • Use the editing tools to reverse your video. This might include swiping to the video editing options and selecting ‘Reverse’.
  • Adjust your frame and ratio settings as desired.
  • Save or share your newly reversed video directly from the app.

Choosing the Right App

While many apps offer video reversing capabilities, InShot and Reverse Movie FX are among the top choices due to their user-friendly interfaces and robust feature sets. Whether you need simple reversal or more complex editing, these apps have you covered.

Why Reverse a Video?

Reversing a video can transform ordinary footage into something intriguing and fun. It’s perfect for creating special effects, highlighting moments, or just adding a creative twist to your social media posts.

Get Started with Video Reversal

Ready to flip your video playback for a mesmerizing effect? Follow these steps:

  1. Open your chosen app and load the video.
  2. Choose the reverse video option.
  3. Customize the speed and segment of the video you wish to reverse.
  4. Export and enjoy your reversed video masterpiece!

What’s Next After Reversing Your Video?

After reversing your video, explore other editing options available in your app. Add music, text, or filters to enhance your video further before sharing it with the world.

Quick Tips for Best Results

To ensure the best quality, maintain the original video resolution and consider frame rate adjustments during the export process. Stay within the app while exporting to prevent any disruptions.

Your New Creative Skill

Mastering video reversal on your iPhone is just the beginning. Continue experimenting with different effects and editing techniques to fully express your creativity through video.


Can I reverse a video directly in the iPhone Photos app?

No, the iPhone Photos app does not currently support video reversal.

You will need to use a third-party app.Are there any free apps to reverse videos?

Yes, apps like Reverse Vid and FilmoraGo offer free versions, though some features might be limited without a subscription.

Can I reverse part of a video or does it have to be the entire video?

You can choose to reverse only a segment of the video in most editing apps.

Does reversing a video reduce its quality?

Reversing a video should not reduce its quality if you use a reliable app and maintain the original settings.

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