Choose the Best YouTube Shorts Thumbnail

The youtube shorts thumbnail plays a crucial role in attracting viewers and enhancing the engagement of your content. While it might seem that thumbnails are only essential for long-form videos, they are equally important for Shorts. A well-designed thumbnail can significantly increase the click-through rate of your videos, ultimately leading to more views and potentially helping you achieve YouTube Shorts monetization.

Why Thumbnails Matter for YouTube Shorts

Thumbnails for YouTube Shorts are not visible in the Shorts player itself. However, they appear in several other areas, such as:

  • The Shorts tab on your YouTube channel
  • Videos on the subscriptions tab
  • Recommended videos on YouTube’s homepage
  • YouTube search results

Without a custom thumbnail, YouTube may select a random frame from your video, which might not be the most appealing or representative of your content. This can reduce the chances of attracting viewers, making it essential to create and upload a custom thumbnail for your Shorts.

How to Add Thumbnails to Your YouTube Shorts

There are two primary methods to set a thumbnail for your YouTube Shorts:

Option 1: Select the Best Video Frame

During the upload process, you can choose a specific frame from your video to serve as the thumbnail. While this method is quick and straightforward, it might not always provide the most engaging image.

Option 2: Create a Custom Thumbnail

Create a custom thumbnail using tools like Canva or Photoshop and add it to your video as a new frame in editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. This method allows you to design a compelling and eye-catching image tailored to your video’s content.

Design Tips for Effective Thumbnails

Here are some tips to design engaging thumbnails for your YouTube Shorts:

  • Add Descriptive Text: Include text that accurately describes your video. For example, a thumbnail that reads “”hack for more views”” can pique curiosity.
  • Use Compelling Images: Choose images that are relevant and eye-catching. For instance, a thumbnail about YouTube monetization might feature physical money.
  • Show a Step in the Process: If your video is a tutorial, illustrate one step in the thumbnail to signal its helpfulness.

Thumbnail Size and Aspect Ratio

Thumbnails for YouTube Shorts should have a 9:16 aspect ratio with dimensions of 1920×1080 pixels. This ensures the thumbnail fits perfectly and looks professional across different platforms.

Can You Change the Thumbnail After Posting?

Currently, YouTube does not allow changing the thumbnail for a Short after it has been posted. Therefore, it’s crucial to select your thumbnail frame before uploading your video to ensure it best represents your content.

Engaging Thumbnails: Your Secret to More Views

In conclusion, creating an engaging and visually appealing youtube shorts thumbnail can greatly enhance your video’s visibility and viewer engagement. Implementing the tips and strategies discussed above will help you craft thumbnails that attract more clicks and boost your channel’s performance.


  • What size should a YouTube Shorts thumbnail be? The ideal size for a YouTube Shorts thumbnail is 1920×1080 pixels with a 9:16 aspect ratio.
  • Can I change the thumbnail of a YouTube Short after uploading? No, YouTube currently does not allow changing the thumbnail of a Short once it has been posted.
  • Why don’t thumbnails appear in the Shorts player? Thumbnails are not shown in the Shorts player due to its design for endless swiping, but they appear in other parts of the YouTube app and website.
  • How can I make my thumbnail more engaging? Use descriptive text, compelling images, and show key steps if it’s a tutorial to make your thumbnail more engaging.
Selecting a FrameQuick and easyMight not be the most engaging
Custom ThumbnailHighly engaging and tailoredRequires additional tools and time
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